ASGL Policies
Students are expected to attend school every day, unless there is a valid justification for the absence [Ed Code 48200]. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to provide documentation within ten (10) days after the student returns to school in order to prevent absences from being converted to truancies.
Documentation should be brought to the Main Office when the student arrives at school on the day of his/her return. Documentation must have a date, name, grade, reason for absence, parent signature and contact phone number.
Student attendance is kept in MiSIS and remains part of a student’s permanent record. Permission to leave campus at any time is authorized only through the Main Office. Students can only be released to adults listed in MiSIS or on the Emergency Form.
A student’s attendance is crucial for their academic success. Students who are absent, or late will miss valuable instructional time and can fall behind in school. ASGL’s attendance policy serves to work with families to ensure that students maintain positive attendance habits.
Blackboard Connect
The Blackboard Connect service allows our school to send personalized voice messages to your family’s home, work or cell phones, and also contact you through email, text messaging and social networks. Parents and guardians are responsible for the cost of text messages if selected as a means of communication. Keeping parents more informed and involved leads to higher student achievement and student safety. Please help us by ensuring we have your current contact information.
Bullying and Hazing
The school takes a strong position against bullying, hazing or any behavior that infringes on the safety and well-being of students and employees. The District prohibits retaliatory behavior against anyone who files a complaint or who participates in the complaint investigation process. Parents and students are encouraged to put their concerns in writing and work with an administration/designee who will investigate the allegation and work with the parties involved to reach resolution.
- Cyberbullying is an act of bullying conducted via electronic communication technology (e.g., texts, e-mails, blogs, postings) and meets the impact of bullying. Cyberbullying that occurs off-campus but substantially disrupts the instructional environment of the school may fall under District jurisdiction.
- Hazing is any humiliating or potentially harmful initiation, pre-initiation, or rite of passage associated with membership in a student organization whether or not it is officially recognized by the school.
- Sexting is electronic communications of an inappropriate sexual nature. Once posted, a student has no control over the use of their image. The posting and sharing of sexual images of minors could be considered child pornography or child abuse.
Check the school website for the calendar of events and other school information.
Campus Hours
Students are permitted on campus starting at 7:45 AM. The front gate of the school will close at 4:30 PM daily. Students should not be on campus after 4:00 PM except for pre-approved activities or programs.
Cell Phones / Electronic Devices
The use of cellular phones or any electronic mobile device by students is prohibited on campus during normal school hours. Students are permitted to use cellular phones or other electronic mobile devices on campus after school or during school activities that occur outside of school hours. For District, state and national assessments, students are prohibited access to any unauthorized electronic devices at any time during the entire testing session. Students must comply anytime a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of a cellular telephone or other electronic mobile device even before or after school.
Change of Address
It is the responsibility of parents, guardians or adult foster care & caregivers to inform the school of any change of address, telephone number or emergency information. Provided that the school meets its responsibility regarding requirements of notification of residence information, a family‘s failure to report a change of address within 30 calendar days shall be cause for forfeiture of the right to any type of permit. Parents must provide a manner to receive both written (U.S. Mail) and oral communication (telephone, cell) regarding their child(ren).
Child Abuse
All school employees who have a reasonable suspicion that child abuse has occurred or is occurring is required by law to file a suspected child abuse report with an appropriate child protective services agency (CPA): either the local police or Sheriff‘s Department, or the Department of Children and Family Services within 36 hours.
Academic counselors ensure that students are enrolled in the appropriate classes, monitor student progress, and provide intervention services. If you have questions about class progress, the counselor is the first person you should contact.
Our goal is to develop students who are self-disciplined and able to make good judgments about acceptable behavior. Our philosophy is that no student should be allowed to disrupt the learning of another student. The school discipline plan is designed to guide behavior in the school setting with the intent to build relationships with students and ultimately addressing misbehavior in a fair and consistent manner.
Dress Code
Students in Middle School [Grades 6, 7, & 8] wear the ASGL uniform policy, plus all students should be properly groomed and appropriately dressed for school activities. Clothing and/or accessories should not distract from the learning process or cause a safety concern. Clothing must cover undergarments and midriff. Clothing or accessories with designs that depict alcohol, drugs, nudity, and profanity or gang affiliation are not allowed.
- Green or Black polo shirt [Middle School Only]
- Closed toe, flat, or low heel shoes (i.e. tennis shoes)
Consequences for students out of uniform:
- Call home to have parent/guardian bring appropriate uniform
- If available, wear ‘loaner’ uniform
Inappropriate items of clothing/accessories may be taken by school personnel to be returned to a parent/guardian.
Hall Passes
Students must carry a teacher issued hall pass if they are out of class during instructional time. Students should use restrooms or drink water before school, after-school, and during nutrition and lunch – not during class time.